Thursday, March 31, 2016

Inti Raymi 2016


The Inti Raymi or Festival of the Sun was an Inca ceremony that was performed on Cusco, the capital of Tawantinsuyo, between the final period of the harvest and the beginning of the vernal equinox of the Andes, ie in the second half of June.


On June 24, the feast in honor of the Sun God, is done in the three historical and natural landscapes that are commonly used for the staging:
  • The Qorikancha (Temple of Sun)
Inti Raymi at Qorikancha
  • The Plaza de Armas (the old Auqaypata or Plaza del Guerrero)
Inti Raymi at the Plaza de Armas
  • Saqsaywaman: This impressive archaeological site is 3,555 m.s.n.m., one kilometer Inca Qolqanpata neighborhood.
Inti Raymi at Saqsaywaman


The central ceremony of Inti Raymi is performed on the esplanade of Sacsayhuaman, in which space the stands of appreciation are enabled with capacity for 3,859 spectators, distributed as follows:
Tribunas Inti Raymi 


Planification of Inti Raymi 


Schedule of Ceremony

  • 9:OO hrs. Qorikancha: Start of staging. Duration 30 minutes.
  • 11:OO hrs. Auqaypata (Plaza de Armas): The Inca and his royal entourage, enter through the Inti K'ijllu street. Duration 45 minutes.
  • 13:3O hrs. Esplanade of Saqsaywaman: Central Ceremony. Duration 90 minutes.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Inti Raymi

Inti Raymi: Qorikancha -Huacaypata - Sacsayhuaman


FROM: USD $ 165.00 per person

The Inti Raymi is a ceremonial festivity of invocations and offerings to the Sun, the Incas celebrated with much solemnity and veneration, to worship it and make sacrifices.

Each 24th of June, it is staged in several sacred places of the city of Cusco, and especially, on the Esplanade of Saqsaywaman, in an impressive artistic display, with beautiful choreographies and costumes which give a special frame to the Sanctuary of Saqsaywaman which fills up with a multitude of local inhabitants, along with a great quantity of foreign and national visitors who give a higher ranking to the Incas' most important festivity.


  • 8:30 a.m.: Transfer to the Esplanade of the Qorikancha's Temple
  • Transfer to the Plaza de Armas ( Main Square )
  • Transfer to the Esplanade of Saqsaywaman
  • 3:00 p.m.: Return to the city of Cusco and transfer to your hotel.



  • Transfers on a tourist transportation
  • Entrance ticket to boxes or tribunes, in Saqsaywaman
  • Bilingual official tour guide
  • Translation equipment
  • Box lunch.

View complete details of tour at Inti Raymi or Sun´s Feast

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Lares Trek and Machu Picchu Hike

Lares Trek to Machu Picchu



This program is a nice alternative, to satisfy the hiking tour demand, due respect to the limitations in vacancies and access costs to the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.

It is journey through high Andean areas and inter-Andean valleys, with contrasting terrain, which allows you to enjoy extraordinary thermal baths, hikes by remote villages, with their ancestral customs, to share live experiences, visit Incan archaeological sites, contemplate landscapes, native flora and fauna, observe South American cameloids, rivers and valleys, ending with the visit of two of the region´s main Incan archaeological sites: Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu, Wonder of the Modern World.

Lares trek arriving to Patacancha Village


DAY 01           Cusco / Calca / Lares / Wacawasi

  • 6:00 a.m.: Departure from your hotel, on a tourist transportation, along the asphalted road of the Sacred Valley Circuit, passing by the colonial village of Pisaq
  • 7:00 a.m.: Arrival in Calca, with its mild and very pleasant climate which gives the best corn in the world, as well as typical local fruit. You can opt to have a consistent Andean breakfast, based on lamb, beef or chicken meat broth (Optional and on your own account)
  • Continuing our trip on a compacted dirt road to the Valley of Lares , on an uphill stretch to the Lares Mountain Pass ( 4,440 m .a.s.l.) and down to the village of Lares
  • 9:00 a.m.: Arrival in the village of Lares ( 3,200 m .a.s.l.), where we’ll enjoy the paradise-like thermal baths, as well as their good infrastructure, in pools with different temperatures, warm and cold waterfalls, dressing rooms, bathrooms, camping areas, etc.
  • Countryside lunch in the area
  • 1:00 p.m.: Beginning of the hike, enjoying beautiful landscapes, all the way to the Trapiche River Valley , where is located the community of Wacawasi, with its Incan customs
  • 5:00 p.m.: Arrival in Wacawasi ( 3,600 m .a.s.l.), where we will set camp, to have dinner and spend the first night.

DAY 02           Wacawasi / Ispayccasa Pass / Ispayqocha Lagoon / Patacancha

  • Very early breakfast
  • 7:00 a.m.: Uphill hike to the Ispayccasa Mountain Pass , going by remote hamlets and observing their lifestyle
  • Observation of South American cameloids, such as lamas, alpacas and vicuñas, in an interesting habitat that gives added value to our trip
  • Passing by the Ispayccasa Mountain Pass ( 4,500 m .a.s.l.) which offers impressive views of the Vilcanota Cordillera´s snow-capped mountains, such as the La Verónica , with an altitude of 5,700 meters
  • Lunch on the shores of Ispayqocha Lagoon which is the habitat of abundant trout and bird species, like Andean geese, highland ibis and many more
  • In the afternoon, downhill hike to the typical community of Patacancha, famous for the originality of their clothes, with hand-woven fabrics elaborated since ancestral times
  • Installation of the campsite for dinner and second overnight stay.

DAY 03           Patacancha / Willoq / Ollantaytambo / Aguas Calientes

  • Breakfast
  • 7:00 a.m.: Downhill hike to the village of Willoq , known for its very colorful typical clothes, hand-woven by the inhabitants themselves, as it is a people who preserves the ancestral customs of an Incan Ayllu (Community)
  • Visit of the Incan archaeological sites of Qochapata and Pumamarka which present remains of houses, walls and benched terraces that are currently cultivated, preserving the aqueducts built by the Incas
  • Downhill hike towards the Sacred Valley of the Incas, to the village of Ollantaytambo
  • 2:00 p.m.: Arrival in the village of Ollantaytambo which still conserves Incan features and designs, in its houses, narrow streets, enclosures and aqueducts
  • Lunch in Ollantaytambo
  • Free afternoon and optional visit of the Archaeological Complex of Ollantaytambo (On your own)
  • 6:50 p.m.: Tourist train bound to Machu Picchu Pueblo (Aguas Calientes)
  • 9:10 p.m.: Arrival in Machu Picchu Pueblo and accommodation at a hotel.

DAY 04           Excursion to the Incan City of Machu Picchu / Return to Cusco

  • Breakfast at your hotel
  • Tourist bus ride up to the Incan City of Machu Picchu, Wonder of the Modern World, located among abrupt mountains and almost inaccessible places, presenting a set of houses, squares, stairways, towers, walls, water fountains, ceremonial places, such as the Intiwatana (Solar observatory), sacred temples and benched terraces, with an incredible urban harmony, displaying the Incan engineering’s high level of development.
  • Tourist bus ride down to Aguas Calientes
  • Lunch on your own account
  • 4:43 p.m.: Departure of the tourist train from Machu Picchu Village , to Cusco
  • 8:13 p.m.: Arrival at Poroy’s train station and transfer to your hotel.


  • Private tourist transportation Cusco / Calca / Lares
  • Bilingual official tour guide
  • Cook and horsemen
  • Horses (For the gear only)
  • Tents, dining and kitchen tents, mattresses, tables and chairs
  • Tourist train tickets Ollantaytambo / Machu Picchu Pueblo
  • Up and down bus ticket in Machu Picchu Pueblo and entrance fee to Machu Picchu
  • Tourist train ticket Machu Picchu Pueblo / Cusco
  • Full meals during the hike, except for the last day (Vegetarian option)
  • 01 entrance ticket to the Thermo-medicinal Baths of Lares
  • 01 hotel night in Machu Picchu Pueblo
  • Transfer train station / hotel in Cusco
  • Support with communication logistics
  • First aid kit, oxygen tank and emergency ropes.


  • 19 % VAT tax (For Peruvians only)
  • National and international flight tickets
  • Airport taxes (TUAA USD $ 06.05, to board national flights and USD $ 30.25, for international flights
  • Non-programed food, extras, snacks, alcoholic drinks, phone calls, laundry shop, tips, etc.
  • Horses can be rented, for personal gear
  • Sleeping bag (On rent)
  • Services not established in this program
  • Additional nights due to flight or train cancellations, or that of other services, for reasons beyond the company’s control.


  • Standard backpack
  • Sleeping bag
  • Adequate clothes for cold and heat
  • Hiking shoes
  • Waterproof poncho for the rain
  • Bathing suit and towel
  • Cap, flashlight and sunglasses
  • Canteen, mineral water, water purifying tablets and snacks
  • Repellent and sun blocking lotion
  • Personal hygiene kit
  • Photo camera, camcorder and batteries
  • Extra money in Soles.

View complete details of tour at Lares Trek and Machu Picchu Hike

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

San Martin Tourist Attractions

Main Tourist Attractions of San Martin

San Martin Tourist Attractions

The Gran Pajatén Archaeological Complex

The Gran Pajaten Archaeological Complex pertains to the Chachapoya culture (1200 – 1500 a.D.), and is located on the right bank of the Montecristo River, at 2,850 m.a.s.l., inside the Río Abiseo (Abiseo River) National Park, declared as Humanity’s Natural and Cultural Patrimony, by the UNESCO, in 1991 and 1992, respectively.
This wonderful complex is situated in a place with dense vegetation, and its constructions extend from the plateau’s flanks, to the sector called Las Palmas, presenting buildings erected on different levels. The edifications mainly have a circular layout and are seated on top of stone platforms, and their walls present designs in high-relief, with geometrical, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic motives, as decorative elements. Going on a short hike, one gets to the Los Pinchudos Funerary Sanctuary (2,800 m.a.s.l.), built on an impressive cliff, and the funerary context of which presents colorful friezes and anthropomorphic shapes carved in wood.

The Cataracts of Ahuashiyacu

It is located 14 km. North-west of the city of Tarapoto, on the route to Yurimaguas, on a compacted dirt road (30 minutes by car and a 15 minute hike). That beautiful 40 meter high crystalline waterfall runs on rocks, with thick vegetation on both sides, and ends in a pool of about 12 meters in diameter, in which one can bathe. The depth of the pool is variable, allowing for spaces for children, and in its central part, it is much deeper. The surrounding vegetation, with abundant trees and ferns, adds a special beauty to it, meanwhile one can observe varieties of butterflies, birds and insects, around it.

Lake Sauce

It is located in the middle of the jungle, South-east of the city of Tarapoto, on the Huallaga River’s right margin. It is a body of water originated by a tectonic collapse or tectonic faults, with an extension of 430.80 hectares. That lake’s shoreline is characterized for always being clean and surrounded by meadows and tourist centers, as well as by Sauce’s inhabited center; the hamlet of Dos de Mayo, and also, the installations of the Fisheries Ministry’s Sauce Fish Nursery Center. The lake’s main Use is for fish breeding and extensive type of fishing, with the introduction of species, such as tilapia, gamitana, paco, bocachico, acahurazu and tucunare.
It has an interesting tourist infrastructure, and in order to ease the access, stay and recreation of Peruvian and foreign visitors, there are jetties and one can navigate on the lake, on motorized boats, water gliders and canoes.

View complete details at San Martin Tourist Attractions

Machu Picchu by Car


(02 DAYS / 01 NIGHT)

Machu Picchu by car

This is a nice alternative to visit Machu Picchu, combining bus and train. It is accessible any time of the year, and especially, during the high tourist season, when the train services cannot face the demand.

This is why we go by the new route, on the Cusco / Quillabamba asphalted road, passing by the villages of the Sacred Valley, the Málaga Mountain Pass (4,350 m.a.s.l.), the highest point of the itinerary, to go down and get to Santa Teresa, following a short stretch of road, to the Intiwatana train station, and from there, go on by train to Machu Picchu, for just 10 kilometers.

But before that, we'll have enjoyed the delights Cocalmayo´s Thermo-medicinal Baths offer us, in a true natural paradise.

View complete details of tour in Fast Machu Picchu by car

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Esoteric Andean Cusco


(05 DAYS / 04 NIGHTS)

Esoteric Andean Cusco

The Incas' ancestral cosmo-vision survives in the customs and ritual ceremonies dedicated to nature.

This is why the Incas built sacred places, to worship the Sun, Moon and Mother Earth or Pachamama.

Today, the sacred enclosures and temples are still full of magnetism and a concentrated energy, in each space, which can be felt, just by being in the place.

Share the pleasant experience of participating in the ancestral rites, with the shamans and paqos (Andean Priests), visiting sacred and enigmatic places.

View complete details of tour at  Esoteric Andean Cusco

See more tours at Mystical Tourism

Friday, March 18, 2016

Mystical Andean Cusco

CODE: 5184440002



Mystical Andean Cusco

The Incas' ancestral cosmo-vision survives in the customs and ritual ceremonies dedicated to nature. This is why the Incas built sacred places, to worship the Sun, Moon and Mother Earth or Pachamama.

Today, the sacred enclosures and temples are still full of magnetism and a concentrated energy, in each space, which can be felt, just by being in the place. Share the pleasant experience of participating in the ancestral rites, with the shamans and paqos or Andean priests, visiting sacred and enigmatic places.

View complete details of tour at Mystical Andean Cusco

See more tours at Mystical Tourism

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Mystical Tourism


Mystical Tourism in Peru

Peru is a country with great and mysterious cultures that flourished, with their own identity, giving great value to spirituality, as there still are many temples and sacred places full of energy and magnetism which make it so that, through our sensitivity, we can penetrate the hidden treasure of their religions, beliefs and manifestations.
Since pre-Incan times, life in the Andes was charged with a deep religious feeling and the Incas maintained the Tawantinsuyu (Incan State), in perfect balance between the human being, nature and their gods.

We help you journey through a rich spiritual tradition, with esoterism and mysticism programs throughout Peru, with Andean priests, shamans or people specialized in performing ancestral ceremonial rites, invocations, readings, predictions, healings, purification baths, treatments with ayahuasca and offerings to Mother Earth or Pacha Mama.

View the tours in Mystical Tourism

Enrico Poli Museum



Museo Enrico Poli Lima Peru

This private museum possesses a remarkable collection of gold and silver objects from pre-Hispanic cultures, including the jewels of the Lord of Sipán, and Incan ceremonial jewels and goldsmith work.

It covers from the Formative Period (2000 b.C.), to the beginning of the Republican Period, exhibiting a valuable collection of ceramics, fabrics, metal objects, carved wood, furniture, sculptures, altars and paintings of famous artists, as well as from Cusco´s School of Art.

There also are prized Incan religious silver relics, such as chalices, patens, crowns, aureoles, jars, fountains, staffs, along with garments and fabrics embroidered with gold and silver threads.

View the complete details of tour in Enrico Poli Museum