Tuesday, March 22, 2016

San Martin Tourist Attractions

Main Tourist Attractions of San Martin

San Martin Tourist Attractions

The Gran Pajatén Archaeological Complex

The Gran Pajaten Archaeological Complex pertains to the Chachapoya culture (1200 – 1500 a.D.), and is located on the right bank of the Montecristo River, at 2,850 m.a.s.l., inside the Río Abiseo (Abiseo River) National Park, declared as Humanity’s Natural and Cultural Patrimony, by the UNESCO, in 1991 and 1992, respectively.
This wonderful complex is situated in a place with dense vegetation, and its constructions extend from the plateau’s flanks, to the sector called Las Palmas, presenting buildings erected on different levels. The edifications mainly have a circular layout and are seated on top of stone platforms, and their walls present designs in high-relief, with geometrical, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic motives, as decorative elements. Going on a short hike, one gets to the Los Pinchudos Funerary Sanctuary (2,800 m.a.s.l.), built on an impressive cliff, and the funerary context of which presents colorful friezes and anthropomorphic shapes carved in wood.

The Cataracts of Ahuashiyacu

It is located 14 km. North-west of the city of Tarapoto, on the route to Yurimaguas, on a compacted dirt road (30 minutes by car and a 15 minute hike). That beautiful 40 meter high crystalline waterfall runs on rocks, with thick vegetation on both sides, and ends in a pool of about 12 meters in diameter, in which one can bathe. The depth of the pool is variable, allowing for spaces for children, and in its central part, it is much deeper. The surrounding vegetation, with abundant trees and ferns, adds a special beauty to it, meanwhile one can observe varieties of butterflies, birds and insects, around it.

Lake Sauce

It is located in the middle of the jungle, South-east of the city of Tarapoto, on the Huallaga River’s right margin. It is a body of water originated by a tectonic collapse or tectonic faults, with an extension of 430.80 hectares. That lake’s shoreline is characterized for always being clean and surrounded by meadows and tourist centers, as well as by Sauce’s inhabited center; the hamlet of Dos de Mayo, and also, the installations of the Fisheries Ministry’s Sauce Fish Nursery Center. The lake’s main Use is for fish breeding and extensive type of fishing, with the introduction of species, such as tilapia, gamitana, paco, bocachico, acahurazu and tucunare.
It has an interesting tourist infrastructure, and in order to ease the access, stay and recreation of Peruvian and foreign visitors, there are jetties and one can navigate on the lake, on motorized boats, water gliders and canoes.

View complete details at San Martin Tourist Attractions

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